The role of HR professionals will change rapidly with human, economic, and technological revolution. The HR leaders in the future will need to think broadly, cultivate the technological capabilities and be quick enough to keep up with the continuous development of the workforce.

In addition, the HR will act as an intermediary between the board of directors and staff, which are two groups of people with different characteristics that HR professionals will have to adapt to work effectively and contribute to the overall development of the business.


Accompanying HR Professionals with internationalizing human resource management in Vietnam, PACE Institute of Management and SHRM Vietnam held a seminar on the International HR Seminar on November 21 2018 in Hanoi with the participation of many HR Professionals from various businesses and sectors.

The main speaker of the seminar is Mr. Dinh Viet Lan - Solution Specialist of PACE Institute of Management, he is one of the first Vietnamese who received the SHRM Certificate and was also trained by SHRM to become an official lecturer of the SHRM Certification Training Program in Vietnam. Besides, the seminar also had the participation of Mr. Vu Duc Tri The - Solution Director of PACE and SHRM Representative in Vietnam.

The seminar mentioned the difficulties and challenges of the HR industry. The toughest problem that makes the HR people have headache today is the recruitment. Attracting talents is difficult but how to provide enough qualified candidates as well as to check their real capacity are even more difficult.

Beside that, the common HR problem of "virtual capacity" is the request for higher salaries when candidates change jobs, but the appraisal of their capacity have  some limitations. In addition, the shortage of talents is also the common problem of many companies that lead to the situation of unqualified candidates and the HR professionals also face many challenges in recruitment.


In addition to the workforce issues, the HR professionals have many problems in the role of year-end salary consulting and building corporate culture. Balancing the proposals to fit the aspirations of the employees and the orientation of the mission and the goals of the business is not an easy strategic task for HR professionals. Persuasing the board of directors is even tougher.

The seminar gave solutions to these difficulties in the human resources industry. In the context of revolutionary technology 4.0, using technology proficiently ability and becoming a digital expert will be extremely useful for HR. Moreover, if a number of additional competency groups are added, HR professionals can develop career skills and their businesses.


One of the current effective solutions is the SHRM Competency Model, which was researched by the The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) with the participation of thousands of HR professionals worldwide gender to build, which identifies 3 groups of behavioral competencies and 3 groups of professional competencies that play a fundamental role for the success of HR professionals.

Since then, the speaker also clarified the important role of IHRM program - a training program exclusively for HR professionals implemented by PACE and SHRM Vietnam together with information about the world-class SHRM-CP / SCP certificate for those who are active in Human Resources worldwide.

IHRM program will continue to be opened on March 14, 2019 in Ho Chi Minh City and March 21, 2019 in Hanoi. Please see more details about the program and register here.