It is noteworthy that top employees are key drivers to business success. Science survey noted that talented employees are force multipliers. They improve organisation’s performance, become model and teach winning that shapes high-performing culture within a company. Owing to this reason, many business leaders are willing to invest more on star employees to eventually make business financial stronger.
However, most employees, even the most talented performers, will likely to reduce their performance on job due to honeymoon-hangover. Honeymoon period initially lasts for 12 months or generally within 6 months. James Adonis, speaker and author of The Motivation Hoax: A smart person’s guide to inspirational nonsense, in Sydney Morning Herald described honeymoon-hangover as an effect of having too much work on first job. New employees are happy to receive new career chance, but all novelties will eventually wear off. And later, these type of hangover is difficult for managers to take control. “Job satisfaction was found to decrease steadily during the so-called honeymoon. And the more honeymoon diminished, the more a nasty hangover would set in, such that people were then more likely to resign,” Adonis added.
However, most employees, even the most talented performers, will likely to reduce their performance on job due to honeymoon-hangover. Honeymoon period initially lasts for 12 months or generally within 6 months. James Adonis, speaker and author of The Motivation Hoax: A smart person’s guide to inspirational nonsense, in Sydney Morning Herald described honeymoon-hangover as an effect of having too much work on first job. New employees are happy to receive new career chance, but all novelties will eventually wear off. And later, these type of hangover is difficult for managers to take control. “Job satisfaction was found to decrease steadily during the so-called honeymoon. And the more honeymoon diminished, the more a nasty hangover would set in, such that people were then more likely to resign,” Adonis added.
Not only Adonis, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, chief talent scientist and author of Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? (And How to Fix It), agreed that employees will not forever be happy with their job, even those who mentioned that they love their job. The truth is, Chamorro-Premuzic said, “most individuals are not even bothered to try their best after they have been on job for more than six months.”
The most common reasons of this sentiment are these:
1. Poor fit – even when organisations evaluate a candidate correctly, they are often not as good at evaluating their own culture. This can lead to a mismatch between what candidate expected and the reality of the role and organization.
2. Disengagement, poor leadership is often the cause, and antidote involves finding time to be curious, learn, and connect with colleagues – and to talk to your boss about the fact that you are not engaged.
3. Organisational politics – it is naïve to think that you can let your talents speak for themselves. In fact, the more talented you are, the more enemies you may make – particularly in toxic and highly-political organisations.
4. Personal circumstances – it is not a good idea to forget that star performers also have private live, and that setbacks outsides of work are inevitable. If you are in this situation, feeling the support of your boss and colleagues is key.
Further, as talent is necessary for success, how can leaders re-engage them to stay in business? Chamorro-Premuzic suggested that optimising job to fit employee’s interests, beliefs, and broader life activities might help them perform better even after honeymoon-hangover. Leaders should also be more alerted to invisible social forces that govern dynamics of organisations. Unlike Chamorro-Premuzic, Susan Sorenson and Keri Garman suggested following tips to help you better re-engage “hangover employees” in your company.
o Start with the honeymoon
First month of new hires is important. It is a crucial period as you can either cut lose or help them to increase their overall engagement. So, during their first month, you can pair them to workplace friends to show them the ropes. Providing plenty of recognition and encouraging open communication should be helpful too. These action might actually boost and retain engagement longer.
o Not only employee, your executive team should be highly engaged too
Environment in workplace is a huge contributor to employee engagement. When they see their boss are disengaging, no one will stay even within a few weeks. Gallup survey showed that companies with highly engaged executive teams tend to see higher employee engagement with 10 years or more of tenure.
o Be persistent
Employee engagement is proven to increase a continuous participation in company. Therefore, intentional efforts put to increase employee engagement ever since they enter your office door might actually pay off over time. Thus, it is why leaders should be persistent giving engagement program to their staffs.
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